Conquest of the Garden
Conquest of the Garden is the suspended voyage of two small metatemporal superheroes. Their superpowers are curiosity and love. They observe and they are observed while travelling on balloons, dinosaurs and giant dragonflies.
Their adventurous expedition happens to be
in Iran, but it could be anywhere grace of life is revealed. The title is taken from the poem
of the Iranian poetess Forugh Farrokhzad.
Conquest of the Garden
Conquest of the Garden is the suspended voyage of two small metatemporal superheroes. Their superpowers are curiosity and love. They observe and they are observed while travelling on balloons, dinosaurs and giant dragonflies.
Their adventurous expedition happens to be
in Iran, but it could be anywhere grace of life is revealed. The title is taken from the poem
of the Iranian poetess Forugh Farrokhzad.
Pachydebris is the expression of some topics dear to me : concern for the environment, species endangered by their altered habitat ,such as elephants and rhinos, the relentless passing of time, the strength of nature and the hope given by new generations.
The girl is busy sowing despite the threats behind her: nature is stronger than anything, but it cant be mentioned anymore without the struggle humans have forced her to face.
I used overlays to add the detail of the clock in transparency: time is not visible but it is inexorable.
I wish the image to be accessible to children as well- that is also why I used very simple and direct symbols in spite of the mentioned issues related to the piece.